Thursday, October 23, 2014


Thong, J. L., Weiyin, H., & Kar Yan, T. (2004). WHAT LEADS TO USER ACCEPTANCE OF DIGITAL LIBRARIES?. Communications Of The ACM, 47(11), 79-83. 

 In class we talked about our relationship with traditional media and what relationship we have with traditional media using internet technologies. I found this article titled, “What leads to Users Acceptance of Digital Libraries?” Although it is a study made in Hong Kong, the same factor whether we make transitions to other technologies also apply for where we are. I spoke about how I personally enjoy reading books if I have a hard copy of them. This article talks about nine different factors that will lead someone to incline to use more for digital libraries. I will only mention a few and let you guys explore the rest.

First, the screen design, or the way information is presented on the screen, plays a big role in whether a person will choose to use a digital library or not. The navigation, or the ease with which users can move around the system, is another factor. The match between the system content and individual user’s information needs is known as the relevance, also another factor. In the same way, a crucial factor for a transition to digital libraries is simply how much computer experience does a person has? For me, this is a crucial factor. Perhaps there are people that do not make the transitions to other technologies simply because they do not how to use them. I wonder if there will be a complete transition to digital libraries. For instance, what will happen to our library at school in ten years? Will it still be the same as how it is now?

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